Compare Keeping's plans and features

What suits your company best? View all our plans and their features below.


€ 0,-


€ 7,50 ex. VAT

€ 6,- ex. VAT

Per active user/month Per active user/month
billed annually


€ 10,- ex. VAT

€ 8,- ex. VAT

Per active user/month Per active user/month
billed annually


€ 20,-ex. VAT

€ 16,-ex. VAT

Per active user/month Per active user/month
billed annually
Number of users
UnlimitedStarting from 50 users
Projects and Clients
Extended rates
Track hours
Keep track of breaks
Sick leave and leave Q4 2024
Direct and indirect hours
Approve hours worked
Manage registration period
Project budget
Extensive budget report
Switch language
  • DutchDutch
  • EnglishEnglish
Audit trail
Event log
Notes Q4 2024


Web application
Mobile web application
Mobile apps
  • iOS PlatformiPhone
  • Android PlatformAndroid

Integrations & links

Single Sign-On Q3 2024
Single Sign-On (SAML2) Q4 2024
PDF, Excel and CSV
Import & export
  • Exact OnlineExact Online
  • JorttJortt
  • MoneybirdMoneybird
  • SnelStartSnelStart
Payroll administration
  • EmployesEmployes
  • NmbrsNmbrs
Project management
  • AsanaAsana
  • Basecamp Classic, 2 & 3Basecamp
  • GitHub icoonGitHub
  • Atlassian JiraJira
  • Todoist icoonTodoist
  • TrelloTrello
  • Microsoft OutlookOutlook
  • Google CalendarGoogle Calendar
  • Apple CalendarAgenda
Custom integrations
Possible in consultation*


E-mail support
With priority
Telephonic support
Training on location
SLA with 99.9% uptime
Number of users
1 User
Projects and Clients
Unlimited number of projects and customers
Unlimited tasks
Track hours
With stopwatch or with hours
Download and print
Project budget
Set an (hours) budget per project
Single Sign-On Q3 2024
Single Sign-On with Google or Microsoft365
Switch language
  • DutchDutch
  • EnglishEnglish
Apps Web application
Full time registration via the website
Apps Mobile web application
Always available via mobile browsers
Apps Mobile apps
  • iOS PlatformiPhone
  • Android PlatformAndroid
Apps Browser-extensions
  • ChromeChrome
  • FirefoxFirefox
Integrations & links PDF, Excel and CSV
Download reports in known file formats
Integrations & links Import & export
Import from, and export for, other systems
Integrations & links API for developers
Options for integrating your own system with Keeping
Support E-mail support
Without priority


€ 7,50 ex. VAT

€ 6,- ex. VAT

Per active user/month Per active user/month
billed annually

Contains everything from "Free" including the options below:

Number of users
Keep track of breaks
Entering breaks automatically corrects working time
Audit trail
Always insight into changes in time registration
Direct and indirect hours
Declarable easily made transparent
Integrations & links Billing
  • Exact OnlineExact Online
  • MoneybirdMoneybird
  • JorttJortt
  • SnelStartSnelStart
Easily manage rates for invoicing
Integrations & links Payroll administration
  • EmployesEmployes
  • NmbrsNmbrs
Integrations & links Project management
  • AsanaAsana
  • Basecamp Classic, 2 & 3Basecamp
  • GitHubGitHub
  • Atlassian JiraAtlassian Jira
  • Todoist icoonTodoist
  • TrelloTrello
Sick leave and leave Q4 2024
Easy registration of sick leave and leave
Notes Q4 2024
Easily add notes to clients, projects and tasks
Integrations & links iCal
  • Google CalendarGoogle Calendar
  • Apple CalendarAgenda
  • Microsoft OutlookOutlook
Support E-mail support
Without priority


€ 10,- ex. VAT

€ 8,- ex. VAT

Per active user/month Per active user/month
billed annually

Contains everything from "Plus" including the options below:

Number of users
Unlimited tags
Easy management of team members and additional insight through teams
Approve hours worked
Easily approve and freeze hours worked
Manage registration period
Manage the number of weeks that team members can create and/or modify registrations
Extended rates
Easily manage rates per customer, project and task, with changes in the past
Extensive budget report
Insight into customer and project budgets in a handy overview
Event log
Insight into events via the event log
Single Sign-On (SAML2) Q4 2024
Single Sign-On with identity provider from Okta
Support E-mail support
Without priority


€ 20,-ex. VAT

€ 16,-ex. VAT

Per active user/month Per active user/month
billed annually

Contains everything from "Pro" including the options below:

Number of users
UnlimitedStarting from 50 users
Integrations & links Custom integrations possible
Possible in consultation*
Support E-mail support
E-mail support with priority
Support Telephonic support
Telephone support with priority
Support Training on location
Possible in consultation
Support Guarantees
SLA with 99.9% uptime

Start tracking your hours today

Over 25.000 entrepreneurs are already using Keeping to make time tracking easier for them and their team. Sign up below and start using Keeping for free.

Stopwatch to clock hours illustration